Portfolio 2

  • Scooptula


    This project was the final project in my engineering design I class. We were tasked with making an assistive device that would help a specific person with Cerebral Palsy bake cake, specifically addressing the part of the process that involves mixing the batter and transferring…

  • Reconstructed Bike Seat

    Reconstructed Bike Seat

    This project was the final project in my materials and manufacturing II class. In this project my partners and I made a seat out of various scrap bike parts. We were tasked to employ at least one welded joint. Our seat uses a bike tire…

  • CAD Drill

    CAD Drill

    This project, also part of my Engineering Design I class, focused more on pure CADing skills compared to the Hand Mixer Teardown. We were tasked with choosing a device from several options and recreating it in SolidWorks. I chose what appeared to me the most…

  • Hand Mixer Teardown

    Hand Mixer Teardown

    This project was part of my Engineering Design I class. The task was to disassemble a motorized hand mixer, identify its components and how it works, and design a CAD model of the device from scratch, and without guidance. I greatly solidified my SolidWorks skills…

  • Hair Dryer Teardown

    Hair Dryer Teardown

    This project was the first project in my Engineering Design I class. The task was to recreate a Conair hair dryer in SolidWorks. It was my first experience creating advanced geometries in SolidWorks, and although we were guided by our instructors, it was a challenging…

  • CEEO Internship

    CEEO Internship

    For my summer 2022 internship I worked at the Center for Engineering Education (CEEO), working to come up with novel tools for STEM education. The CEEO is an offshoot organization of the Tufts mechanical engineering department that has, over decades of pioneering research and advocacy,…

  • Ramen Mixer

    Ramen Mixer

    This project was the final project in my freshman “Engineering in the Kitchen” class. We were tasked to automate (to some degree) a cooking process of our choosing. We chose making ramen, as it offered a nice balance between achievability and challenge. The device we…

  • Chicken Doneness Sensor

    Chicken Doneness Sensor

    This was another project in my “Engineering in the Kitchen” class. For this project we were tasked with conducting a data collection study related to cooking. My partner and I chose cooking a chicken breast, which is renowned for its difficulty in rendering it both…